PLICA: Carina Round, Patrick Wolf, & The Futureheads

December 01, 2003

Carina Round held the early bird crowd in the palm of her hand. With every flick of her head and growling vocal we stood captivated, entranced by her. She's got the melodies, the personna, and the guts to shake off those early PJ Harvey comparisons. Stardom awaits. Patrick Wolf came next, sporting a U-turn of a haircut and a basket overflowing with songs. His live shows capture the best parts of Lycanthropy, and new songs like "Beastality" make me crave the next album. Finally, the Futureheads finish the night with a full on rock extravaganza, but, not knowing their material as well as Carina and Patrick's, the best they could ever hope for is to come a close third in my mind.