The Delgados & adem

November 12, 2002

I consider myself to be OGD. I bought Domestiques back in 1998 and I've both enjoyed the progression to Hate and been annoyed with their as-of-yet less-than-meteoric rise to popular adulation. Although this might very well be the album to propel them, tonight's gig was strictly for the old school fans. The band could've benefitted from playing more of the old school songs, however - both Peloton and Domestiques were completely overlooked in the setlist. Good thing that the last two albums were strong enough to carry the show, then. The band were definitely in their prrime - Emma has become the frontwoman teenage boys dream about, gliding effortlessly from her vocal and guitar abilities to joking with the crowd in her self-depreciating way. They played for nearly two hours, but they held such a spell that it seemed like barely a moment, and ended with the sublime "If This is a Plan". Fitting, somehow. Like they planned it all along.

The Light Before We Land
American Trilogy
Coming In From The Cold
Child Killers
Accused Of Stealing
The Drowning Years
No Danger
Reasons For Silence
All You Need Is Hate
Thirteen Gliding Principles

If This Is A Plan

Crack Village & Carpetface

November 09, 2002

Tucked away in a tiny wine cellar was one of the newest and dare I say, freshest hip hop collaborations going. Excellent rhymes, melodies, and surprising beats with tongues firmly in cheek. Which makes it kinda difficut to rap, but somehow they managed! Both only have their debut singles out now, but both are awe-inspiringly good. Go buy. Now.


November 05, 2002

It all happened on account of a ticketeering guardian angel who gave us his extras when we were not on the list as expected. Thank you, kind stranger, for restoring our faith in humanity as well as the opportunity to hear the Great and Mighty Moz. His voice is exactly as it was all those years ago, but it has the added strength that only comes after fighting the industry and media for 20-odd years. A suprising mixed bag of solo and Smiths favourites was the reward for our loyalty, and we took the trophy and tossed it into the air with glee. Miserable, us?

Suicide & Crossover

November 01, 2002

Crossover made my face beam with such happiness - not only did they do all my favourites off their unbelievably incredibly great "Fantasmo" album, but they did 'Phostographt' in English AND the original psuedo-German! *squeal*

Suicide were not as instantly loveable, I found out. Lots of drone at the beginning, but they picked up the beats a bit nearer the end, but they certainly weren't trying very hard to entertain or enthrall.The singer looked like the bastard lovechild of the grim reaper and the Unibomber, while the keyboardist/tweaker reminded me of Deiter from SNL's "Sprockets". weird.