Handsome Boy Modeling School "So... How's Your Girl?"

I'm not usually a rap or hiphop fan (as you can tell from this list), but I can appreciate GOOD hiphop when I see it. And this is great. I'm convinced Dan the Automator can do no wrong. And 'The Truth' with Roison from Moloko is just pure genius...

Happy Mondays "Sunshine and Love" (promo)

The Mondays as the drugs were beginning to do their damage. But luckily for us, they recorded their cover of Stayin Alive first! No, really, I'm not kidding! It's something you've got to experience!

Happy Shameful Dance Tracks (HM)

Scott and I collaborated to make this party cd of dance choons we liked but were ashamed that we liked. HM

Har Mar Superstar "You Can Feel Me" (UK import)

I feel into sweet, hot lust with Har Mar after watching the Power Lunch video on repeated view one weekend. As his best fan site attests, he really is "the fucking best" (.com), and truly is here to save us from the stagnant musos. Have some fun, hump your neighbor's leg, and get dirTAY on the dance floor. Oh, and you can feel him, too.

Haven "Beautiful Thing" (UK import)

Another solid single from Haven, this one serves as a great diversion when I want a break from 'Let It Live', although that rarely happens. Really, it shows that they can do a slower rock song as well.

Haven "Between the Senses" (EU import)

The songs are all solid, beautiful, and inspiring, but there's something missing, and I just can't put my finger on it. It *should* be an historically great album, but it ends up lacking, and I don't know why. On their own, 'Lately, 'Say Something', and 'Let It Live' most certainly are historic.
It's a case of being less than the sum of its parts.

Haven "Let It Live" (UK import)

On my year-end poll, the number one song of 2001. I cannot stress how necessary this song is to the world of indie rock. And on top of that, 'Last Dance' is a good indication of the strength of their forthcoming album. Or at least I hope so.

Headswim "hype" (promo)

good thing it was free. Whomever told me they were good was lying. big time.

Helmet "Betty"

Pretty Good album. The bass kicks, and I like most of the songs.

Hootie And the Blowfish

I'm ashamed to admit that I have this.. No-one will buy it back!! I bought it before "Hold my Hand".... I'll understand if I get beaten up in a dark alleyway...

Hooverphonic "Mad About You" (promo)

Good single, solid melody. I'm such a sucker for the "male electronic guru plus female chanteuse" combination.

Maximilian Hecker "Infinite Love Songs" (French import)

I was in love the first time I heard his voice. It'll break your heart, but the songs aren't depressing (if you can believe it, most are actually on the uplifting side!). He's part of the kitty-yo collective, but he couldn't sound farther away from the Peaches and Gonzales spectrum. Think beautiful melodies instead of dirty beats. Think sweetness and light.

Maximilian Hecker "Rose" (German promo)

While this has some staggeringly beautiful moments, it didn't grab me the same way "Infinite Love Songs" did. His heartbreaker of a voice is still there saying sweet nothings into my ear, but somehow I feel I've heard it all before...

The Hidden Cameras "Ban Marriage" (UK promo)

Gay folk church music? No, more like a jubilant Beach Boys crescendo. The first time this came on the office stereo, it was if a lightning bolt struck me and my first reaction was "WOW! Who is this?". It's impossible not to love them, and now my mother is also counted among their ranks of devoted fans. What's not to love?

The Hidden Cameras "The Smell of Our Own" (UK promo)

'Ban Marriage' was the first succlent tease, and their first album proper fulfils in a way never imagined, even after the EP. It's in serious danger of being Album of The Year, and it's only February. From the glorious romp of 'Ban Marriage' to the Belle & Sebastian-esque 'The Animals of Prey' to the choral beauty of 'Boys of Melody', this album covers theie filthy (downright deviant) lyrics with a high-gloss wash of beauty. If this is The Man That [he] Is With [his] Man, then here's hoping they stay together for a long, long time.