Kaito "Cat-nap" (UK import)

Kaito are young, but they've got potential. 'Trailous' happens to be my favorite on here, so I see good things in their tea leaves.

Kenna "New Sacred Cow" (US)

I loved the video for 'Hell Bent' first. Then I realized how amazing the music was. I went in search, and I found out that everything Kenna did was that good. Good enough for me to overlook the fact that Fred Durst signed him. *shudder* So obviously he (FD) knows what quality music is, yet still choose to create the aural dirrahea that is Limp Bizkit.

That's like knowing the difference between good and evil and choosing evil. Good thing Kenna is the light.

Kent "747 (We Ran Out of Time)"

I was incredibly lucky to get this single from the station, weeee! yet another song of their in swedish! I'm slowly building up my collection of their Swedish language songs, they're so nice!

Kent "B-Sidor 95-00" (Swedish import)

Two cds of Kent songs for $14? Yes, please! And somehow it isn't a hindrance (as if it ever is) that all the songs are in Swedish. They're just GOOD. And could easily be other bands' A-sides.

Kent "Hagnesta Hill" (EU import)

Could've had the Swedish language version for a pound cheaper, but I decided understanding it was important this time around. You don't mess with Kent. This was my album of the year, and no one ever heard it. Buy it, buy it, buy it. After 3 listenings, I had nearly every song memorised and competing for surpremacy in my head.

Kent "Isola" (promo)

I love this album. I picked it up because of 'If You Were Here', and the rest of the album is incredible. Who knew Sweden could put out good rock? I esp love Elvis and 747.

Kent "Music Non Stop" (EU import)

Found this 5 months before it's UK release in a back alley shop in Florence, and it was the soundtrack of the rest of my 6 week holiday. Absolutely fantastic.

Kent "Saker Man Ser" (EU import)

Even if they are all in Swedish, the A-side is brilliant. The B-sides, only medicore. But coming from most bands, they'd be top singles.

Kent "Vapen & Ammunition" (Swedish import)

I just couldn't wait for an English-language release, especially after B-sidor. On the first listen, I wasa bit disappointed, but it all turned around on the second. Now I'm feeilng the annoying tug of needing to sing along, and wishing I knew what they were talking about.

Kent "Verkligen"

I absolutely love hearing them sing in Swedish... You don't even realize it's a different language, you just think you're hearing something else entirely!

Kent (Swedish import)

I needed to complete my Kent quadragia, and this first album sounds naturally like their first album should. Rough guitars, but the melodies are there, even if they are in swedish. I really like 'Pojken med halet i handen' and, of course, 'Frank'.

King Biscuit Time "No Style" EP

Held off and got the US edition of this, because it has both UK EPs together for $8. And I can live with that. Musically, sounds alot like the Beta Band since it's the lead singer's pet project, which is a good thing.

King of Woolworths "L'Illustration Musicale" (UK import)

He loves films, the old noir-sort that creep up on you when the killer is stalking his prey in a shadowy corner. The guest vocals really save this album from falling into a wannabie-soundtrack area, but apparently the real charm of this material is in the live show, so I'll have to wait and see on that (ahem.) score.

Kitt, David "Square 1" (UK)

Fulfilling my softly-sung, introspective acoustic album for the year, no it's not Damien Rice, but the wee lad David Kitt. He already tops the charts in Ireland, but it's a lack of promotion and touring around the UK that keeps him from becoming stratospheric - because it sure isn't the songs. Instantly memorable, instantly lovable, and instantly classic, David Kitt has all the danger of cupid's bow. When I hear his voice, I want to fall in love with the next man I see.

Kylie Minogue "Fever" (UK import)

You can't avoid her, and yet you can't help must wiggle your arse whenever the singles come on. She's a singles gal, and the album tracks don't quite stand up the rest, but with singles like that, who really cares? I also find it strangely fitting that I bought this on special at Woolworths, of all places...